Leverage cybersecurity to win more clients for your MSP


Cybersecurity is one of the most crucial topics that is often discussed in the MSP space.

With vendors in the security space multiplying quickly, the messaging, however, only seems to get more confusing by the day.

MSPs want to focus more on cybersecurity, but aren't sure where to begin. Cybersecurity comes at a premium, but clients want to keep their networks secure without burning through their budget.

So, how can MSPs offer better cybersecurity services to their clients?

Well, Tom Watson, the Chief Channel Advisor at NinjaRMM shares his insights on the SuperPod — The no-filter MSP show

MSPs and the need for cybersecurity

The pandemic has changed the game completely for all businesses. With remote work becoming the norm across sectors, companies of all sizes started focusing on security as a primary requirement. And they're completely right in doing so—when a shift to remote work happens so abruptly, this introduces many more points of vulnerability within the network. All it takes is one weakness for cyber-attackers to exploit your network. Because what's at stake for them is not just their data, but also the customers they serve. Now, there's an added layer of responsibility for MSPs to close these gaps in security to keep their clients safe.

If you're already doing network support, server support, and workstation support, create a comprehensive cybersecurity plan that covers their network from end to end. Offering it as a fundamental service will make it a no-brainer choice for clients who will go for it every single time.

The reason that cybersecurity is a primary requirement for remote culture is not because of cutting corners, but because more points of vulnerability are introduced when employees work on their own private internet connections, connect different devices onto their machines, and use more online tools to collaborate

Partner with security providers

One of the main challenges MSPs face when looking to offer cybersecurity services is the lack of resources and expertise. Cybersecurity is an intense business; you can't afford to learn on the go or make mistakes at the cost of your clients' security. A great solution is to partner with vendors who specialize in attributes that add up to a comprehensive security package for the client.

It sounds fairly straightforward on paper, but it comes with its own challenges. Finding the perfect combination of vendors to build your security package while also being mindful of your MSP's profitability and avoiding exorbitant bills for your clients is crucial—so make sure you think things through before partnering with multiple vendors.

Bundle your offerings

Bundling your offerings together as a package is a great way to help clients see the value your services provide as a whole. This becomes especially relevant as cybersecurity bundles are an easy one-stop-shop for clients to get everything they need from a single provider.

Take the time to understand the precise needs of your prospects and tailor your bundles accordingly. A great way to do this is to create a bundle of basic and customized services that would be a lot more appealing to clients. If you're going to give a client an all-in seat price, make sure you're providing them with the basics like antivirus software, help desk services, maybe some web and DNS filtering along with it. Once you have the security bundle figured out, you can then focus on getting the pricing right.

Get your products right and stick with them

It is paramount for MSPs to build a strong culture of using quality products and delivering consistent services for security purposes. That way, you develop a strong understanding of the tools you employ to get the job done. This understanding helps you build robust processes around the security tool to improve your client's experience. If you know how something could break, or where there could be vulnerabilities, you can focus your energy on strengthening it.

Cybersecurity is a proactive business. In light of some devastating hacks and data leaks on the news every day, cybersecurity is a space with immense potential, especially for MSPs. By offering services that actively keep your client networks safe, you can close a lot more deals regularly and retain them as happy, secure clients.

If you wish to learn more on how MSPs can close more cybersecurity leads, Jennifer Bleam, a.k.a Cybersecurity Sherpa shares her insights on the SuperPod — The no-filter MSP show. Check it out.

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