Arvind Parthiban

CEO and Co-founder, SuperOps



Your software should not be expensive

Many MSP tech providers believe "they can” increase prices and customers will have to accede.'s philosophy is different.

The product and business philosophy

I have always believed that building a startup or a product is a privilege and a responsibility not to be trifled with. When customers and employees put their trust and faith in us, we need to live up to it. Also, the impact that a successful startup can create is immense, for not just the employees and customers but also for the larger community. That is why we want to be mindful of the manner in which we go about creating and scaling, both as a startup and as a product. We wanted to be very clear about the philosophy we would follow.

Why we had a flash mob at #DattoCon

We heard a few weeks back from a couple of little birdies that the weather forecast for DattoCon was moody and gloomy. We wanted to bring our friends at DattoCon a little bit of fun and sunshine and, boy, did we!

1 min 30 sec

When acquisitions are handled badly, it affects the rest of us too

When acquisitions are not handled with care, all of us in the industry get affected.

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