The MSP buyer's checklist: 7 things to keep in mind while choosing RMM software


From providing break/fix services back in the day to now proactively monitoring thousands of devices at scale, MSPs have revolutionized the IT services industry.

The MSP industry hasn't just economically grown over time, but has also evolved quickly with the advent of technologies like AI and ML. The pandemic, however, has changed the game completely for businesses across the globe. With workforces being distributed remotely, the need for quality RMM solutions is the need of the hour. This holds true for large businesses with internal IT teams as well.

While RMM solutions come in all feature sets and price levels, not every tool is the right fit for you.

If you're an MSP looking to purchase the best RMM tool for your business, here are a few things you might want to consider:

Ease of onboarding and integration

It is imperative that a good RMM system seamlessly integrates with your existing tech stack. For starters, the RMM tool should be able to quickly deploy agents onto all devices in your client's network and collect the right asset information you need. (If you're looking for a rather exhaustive MSP onboarding checklist, we've got you covered at the Bugle.)

Network device monitoring

While implementing RMM tools for big MNCs with hundreds of endpoints, it isn't just enough to monitor the PCs and macs, but to also cover devices like printers, scanners, routers, and switches. Data from these devices could provide critical insights and reveal security vulnerabilities. Threats may come from anywhere, hence, it's important to keep all your auxiliary devices updated and secure.

Security management

Needless to say, with MSPs having to monitor devices remotely, manually updating antivirus software with a checklist on local devices is simply not feasible anymore. It's now essential for MSPs to have the ability to run security patches and install updates remotely through the RMM software.

SuperTip: The security requirements for MSPs differ across countries. You might want to ensure that your RMM solution accounts for all the local compliances before you purchase.

(If you're an MSP looking to offer cybersecurity services for your clients, Jennifer Bleam (a.k.a Cybersecurity Sherpa) shares a few tips on the SuperPod–The no-filter MSP show.)

Patch management and updates

Given the huge number of endpoints MSPs manage, it is important to ensure that all the devices connected in the network are constantly kept up to date with software patches. These patches are necessary to correct the bugs and vulnerabilities in the array of software these devices run on. Besides, MSPs often use patches (scripting) to prevent errors due to data storage and memory usage in computers.

Hence, it is no surprise that patch management is considered a vital function of any RMM solution.

Ease of scaling

Great RMM tools help MSPs scale with grace without any hassle. Scaling isn't just in terms of increasing the number of devices (or endpoints), but also in terms of managing the changes in device functions over time. It also greatly helps to have checklists and protocols in place to ensure the monitoring quality isn't affected at scale.

Automation capabilities

Remember, you're buying an RMM solution to save time and money. Besides, automation capabilities greatly help to scale your MSP by improving the efficiency of your IT Ops while cutting down labor costs. So, make sure your RMM tool has the capability to automate scheduling and managing patches, scripts, security alerts, software updates, and maintenance routines.

It is an added advantage if the RMM solution provides custom automation features along with comprehensive script libraries that are best suited to your industry.

PSA integration

Last but not the least, you'd want the RMM solution to deeply integrate with your existing PSA system. A unified PSA-RMM solution will help streamline your operations (ticketing, project management, etc.,) and dramatically improves the quality of your service in terms of quicker resolution times, and better team management.

Besides, this would help MSPs create better reports and comprehensive dashboards. The PSA-RMM integration would facilitate multiple channels of communication between the technician and the client.

In a nutshell...

The best RMM tool (for you) doesn't have to be the best in the industry, loaded with features and costing you a premium. Instead, the best RMM tool is the one with the features that best suit your technical and financial requirements. With the advent of technology like AI and ML, it won't be too long before RMM tools leverage them to offer better value propositions and set industry benchmarks for delivering IT services. So, if you're looking to stay on top of the curve, why not try for free?

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