is here to superpower your MSP


We have spent the past year crafting our platform with a lot of love, care and thought. It is now ready for you, to superpower your MSP. Read on to find out what we have been up to. 

For MSPs, the world is a whole different place compared to just two years ago. And MSPs need technology that will help them navigate this new reality—it is this belief that led us to spend the better part of the pandemic building, crafting, and creating the platform that MSPs need and deserve. Today, is officially launching and we are just getting started. 

We are also announcing our Series A funding of $14 million, led by Addition with participation from Tanglin Ventures, our existing investors Matrix Partners India and Elevation Capital, and angel investors, Giovanni Sanguily (CEO of Honey CRM), Sidharth Malik (CEO of CleverTap), Noel Wax and Lisa Woods (CEO and COO of Groundswell Group), and Abhi Kumar (Partner at M12 Ventures). 

But let me take a step back and tell you all it took to get here and what you, the MSP, can expect from us

The pandemic gave us a start

My co-founder, Jay, and I wanted to launch a product for the IT community. We were discussing ideas, when Covid-19 threw a curveball at the world.

Almost overnight companies globally moved to remote-first or remote-only and IT teams scrambled to offer as-good-as-normal support to distributed teams. The world of the IT department and that of MSPs collided. Companies began to turn to MSPs to be their hands and feet, to help offer support to a distributed workforce. From supporting clients whose staff could as easily login from Bali as from Palo Alto, to staying ahead of the curve on cybersecurity, MSPs have had to be on their toes. No wonder then that 81% of MSPs reported an increase in their customer base in 2021, compared to 2019. 

While MSPs rose to the occasion, they are struggling with the technology they work with. MSP software, be it PSA or RMM or any of the other tools they use are slow, outdated and buggy. As the world is charging ahead at super speed, this clunky legacy technology is holding back MSPs.

We realised we could do so much better for MSPs.

We want to be fast, but we are also thoughtful

We were in beta for almost a year. For a company that prides itself on its speed, you may think a year of beta is just too much. We had a very good reason.

We didn’t want to release a piecemeal product. We understand the PSA-RMM software is at the very heart of an MSP’s operations and we wanted it to be ready end-to-end.

We first spoke to over 200 MSPs to understand exactly what challenges they faced day-to-day, what would it take to make their lives easier.

When we started building the product, we roped in 150 MSPs to constantly review the product, as we built it. We used Canny to ensure a transparent feedback process, so every suggestion from an MSP was heard.

A product built for today’s MSPs

This process of working closely with MSPs, I believe, is the secret sauce of our product. 

Among the many highlights of’s AI-powered unified PSA-RMM platform, I want to focus on the following:

  • The product is completely built on the cloud.
  • It is an all-in-one unified platform, so PSA, RMM, IT Documentation, Product Management and more work seamlessly together.
  • The platform is intuitive and built using human-centric design, so everything a technician needs is just a click or two away. 
  • Built-in intelligent alerting to cut the noise.

I want to dwell upon Intelligent Alerting for a bit. We know that AI is a highly useful technology, but I believe it needs to be deployed for the right tasks in the right manner. Alerting is an area which we felt is highly suited for AI. An MSP gets thousands of alerts. Our AI Intelligent Alerting not just prioritizes the alerts, it also learns over time to weed out false alarms and generates only the truly necessary alerts. Not just that, the system guides the technician with the mitigation process. Intelligent alerting cuts noise and directly improves MSP productivity and so profitability.

(See our new features here)

Backed by the best

Even as we were building this product, word was out about what we were up to. We were fortunate that marquee investors showed interest. Matrix Partners India and Elevation Capital came on board at the seed funding stage. Now Addition, along with Tanglin Venture Partners and Matrix and Elevation, have backed us with a Series A funding of $14 million. They are joined by respected angel investors, Giovanni Sanguily (CEO of Honey CRM), Sidharth Malik (CEO of CleverTap), Noel Wax and Lisa Woods (CEO and COO of Groundswell Group), and Abhi Kumar (Partner at M12 Ventures).

The strong support from investors is a big boost for us. Combined with the early client and community support we have received, we know we are on the right path.

We owe a debt of gratitude to the welcoming MSP community. Realizing that the pandemic has robbed many MSPs, especially young and newly launched ones, to meet and interact with the industry’s best, we organised a fully virtual event focused on real insights. SuperSummit, with talks from over 25 big ticket practitioners and experts, was highly appreciated with around 1,000 registrations. 


Even as we take a moment to enjoy the many milestones, I must express our deep gratitude for the valuable support and the outpouring of affection we have experienced from the MSP community. We would not have been able to achieve what we have so far without your support. We hope we continue to be blessed with your guidance and support in the future. 

I want to assure you that we are not resting on our laurels. The focus of the team is on the future—on how we can ensure you, our clients, can be at the top of your game every single day. That is our North Star and we shall not waver. 

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