How to Craft Your MSP Marketing Plan


As is the case with most things in life, it helps to know where you’re headed. You wouldn’t set sail for a distant land without first mapping out your journey – so why do so many MSPs adopt this approach when it comes to their marketing? Regardless of the products or services you offer, they are practically rendered redundant if you don’t market them properly. You need to know who you wish to target, why they need your product, and why they should opt to do business with you.

As an expert MSP, you know how valuable the services you provide are, you just need to convey this message to your potential, and existing, customers. But without a carefully thought-out marketing plan, your efforts, and the money you have spent along the way, could very easily go to waste. You need to consider several things when creating your marketing plan to ensure that your time, effort, and money are spent in the right places.

A Guide to Crafting Your Marketing Plan

Acting as your compass through dark, uncharted terrain, is your marketing plan. The success of your MSP hinges on your ability to plan ahead and to ensure that you have carefully considered how to deploy your marketing efforts best. Some of the key considerations for your MSP marketing plan should be:

  • Understand Your Business Goals: “What do I want to achieve through my marketing efforts?” should be one of the first questions you ask yourself. Whether it’s increasing revenue, bolstering your workforce, or branching into new markets, you need to have a deep understanding of your business goals before you invest in your marketing. 

  • Create Measurable Marketing Goals: In order for your marketing plan to take shape, you need to have measurable marketing goals. This means that you can track your progress, and quickly address areas where you may be falling short, or exceeding expectations, to ensure that your marketing budget is being allocated correctly. 

  • Create Target Personas: For your marketing plan to be a success, you need to understand who it is you are targeting, and what exactly it is that you can offer. A scattergun approach to marketing can be a very costly one, you are better placed to market your services once you have a core demographic you wish to market to. You need to understand their common pain points and pair them with your solutions and services that can help to mitigate and solve them. 

  • Great Content is Key: While this may seem obvious to many, the standard of your content is crucial. Regardless of the budget at your disposal, if the content you are creating is uninformative, poorly written and designed, or irrelevant, this is unlikely to help you generate new leads, or satisfy the needs of your existing customers.

  • Use the Channels at Your Disposal: Social media, email campaigns, and paid and organic ads are all useful tools that your MSP can use to promote your content to a wider audience. Be sure to conduct research into which channels will best serve your marketing collateral, and how you can secure the best return on your marketing investment. 

Build Your Marketing Plan with

With a wealth of experience in helping MSPs create, track, and action their marketing plans, is well-positioned to give you the helping hand you need! In our recent eBook, Our Ultimate Guide to MSP Marketing, we take a closer look at how you can formulate your own marketing plan, as well as a number of other techniques you can use to improve your marketing. Download our full, comprehensive eBook, today, to find out how can give you the competitive edge you need!


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