Why we had a flash mob at #DattoCon


We heard a few weeks back from a couple of little birdies that the weather forecast for DattoCon was moody and gloomy. We wanted to bring our friends at DattoCon a little bit of fun and sunshine and, boy, did we!

Let me first set the record straight - we all love Datto. It had built a good product and a good organizational culture. It was respected by other MSP tech companies. It was a company we all looked up to. But as of April 2022, that Datto is gone. Datto’s employees know this, Datto’s customers know this, even Datto’s founder knows this. 

DattoCon was once a much loved event among the MSP community. But after the buyout, unsurprisingly, the mood changed. I think this Reddit thread sums up the sentiment of the MSP community.

We spoke to a lot of our friends in the community and they all felt the same. Many were considering not attending the event, which was happening between September 11 and 13, some wanted to go one last time, and some others wanted to see for themselves what Datto’s new masters are up to.

But, yes, there was nary a ray of sunshine anywhere.

We could not let that happen. We wanted to cheer everyone up, including Datto’s employees, partners, customers, and many of our dear friends who were attending.

So we decided to go to what is now KaseyaCon in everything but name, and bring with us the party. We organized a flash mob, played some fun tunes, distributed a few smart t-shirts, and brought some cheer to the attendees and onlookers. See for yourself:

This wasn’t about us, this wasn’t about leadgen; this was our ode to Datto, to show the company our love. This was to let Datto know that we will miss it.

I hope you all had a great event.

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Lessons from CrowdStrike outage: 3 huge marketing and customer service opportunities around an IT crisis

The CrowdStrike outage was horrendous, especially if your MSP had to rescue clients surrounded by lots of BSOD.

The ripple effect of the Microsoft outage on MSPs

The recent Microsoft outage sent shockwaves across industries, causing disruptions that ranged from flight delays to halted business operations. In a world where technology is the backbone of almost every operation, the outage has served as a stark reminder of how interdependent our IT infrastructure truly is. . For MSPs, this outage was particularly challenging as it highlighted the critical role they play in maintaining business continuity and managing IT services for their clients.

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