Say hello to calendar-first scheduling from SuperOps!


Scheduling on-site visits and dispatching is now a breeze with 2-way Outlook sync

Are you tired of going back and forth between your PSA and calendar to schedule on-site visits? Do you have to make a series of clicks, view a dozen screens, and navigate a dangerously messy shared calendar to dispatch technicians? Do you find scheduled events suddenly disappearing from the calendar because you made one minor edit to the ticket?

Now, all that is a thing of the past with SuperOps’ calendar-first scheduling and dispatching.

Here’s what sets SuperOps apart from the other scheduling solutions out there:

Beautifully smooth scheduling experience

Schedule events from anywhere - within tickets, the SuperOps calendar, and Outlook - with minimum clicks. With the 2-way Outlook sync, an event created or edited in any of the three locations gets automatically updated in the other two, eliminating the need for manual back-and-forth updates.

Clean, contextual dispatching

Dispatchers get a clean, color-coded shared calendar view that shows selected technicians' schedules and ticket SLAs. Dispatchers can do resource allocation with full context regarding technician availability and their due/overdue tickets, ensuring timely dispatching without the risk of breaching SLAs. They can also add other technicians and requesters to the event if needed by checking their common availability in a consolidated calendar. 

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More power to technicians

Technicians can see scheduled site visits along with their other ticket worklogs on their SuperOps calendar. They can then add those site visits as worklogs, ensuring those visits enter the billing queue. Technicians can also connect their individual calendars and sync personal recurring events from Outlook, such as lunch breaks and PTOs, giving them more control over their schedules.

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Get the smartest, smoothest scheduling experience in the MSP world. Try now.


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