Book review: Updating servers doesn't grow your business by Paul Green


Welcome to the SuperBook series, where we review books that will help you level up your MSP business. This edition covers “Updating servers doesn't grow your business” by Paul Green.

I recently picked up “Updating servers doesn't grow your business” by Paul Green. This book will completely change the way you look at business, and how you market it. It’s divided into two parts:

  • All things sales and marketing
  • Striking a work-life balance

Now, let’s give you a more intimate peek into the book.

The book in 3 points

  1. Most IT businesses focus far too much on tech. Rather you should channel your efforts into acquiring new clients, giving them a great experience, and increasing how much the client spends for you.
  2. Your MSP business should run despite your presence, and not because of your presence.
  3. Enjoy the process of doing business. It’s the path to more money, and hence more freedom. What’s the point if you don’t have fun along the way?

Who should read it?

This book is for MSP owners who’re just starting out or are struggling with their marketing. For many MSPs, marketing doesn’t come naturally. Paul elaborates on how you can develop a good MSP business and does it so sans any jargon or fancy concepts.

This book is super useful for business owners who want to get a larger perspective on their business, and life in general. I’m not going to give away too many details and spoil the fun for you. Go ahead and pick up your copy right now.

My biggest takeaway from the book

It’s important to run a profitable business. But it’s more important to enjoy yourself, spend time with family, and have a purpose that will drive your business. The business should help you achieve these goals.

My favorite quotes from the book

The real value of a client is in the long-term, not in the first transaction. Your marketing needs to be as focussed on retaining clients, as it is winning new ones”

“The wrong kind of clients want an IT support business to keep computers working. The right kind of clients are looking for a partner to help them grow in the future”

Bad staffs are like bad clients. They get far too much of your time and attention. When you should be investing it into your best staff to grow and develop them”

The most successful business owners are those who systemize the process of getting things done”

Where can you get it?

You can get a free copy of the book here.

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