Praveen Ramesh

Product Marketing Manager



Book review: Updating servers doesn't grow your business by Paul Green

Welcome to the SuperBook series, where we review books that will help you level up your MSP business. This edition covers “Updating servers doesn't grow your business” by Paul Green.

SuperSummit London - the first step to road to a million

Heartfelt conversations, inspirational calls to action, 186 pints of beer and 8 bottles of wine - all this and more were consumed at our first in-person SuperSummit in London, focused on helping MSPs navigate the path to 1 million with ease.

MSP experts weigh in on their #1 productivity hack

Productivity and MSPs — it's a match made in heaven. As managed service providers, you're constantly optimizing to improve your clients' productivity.

What's your biggest MSP pet-peeve? Answers from 20 MSP experts

We all have pet peeves. And the longer you've been in an industry, the more pet peeves you might have.

How to generate thousands in revenue by nurturing partnerships with fellow MSPs

The lead generation for your MSPs takes a whole different turn when you stop seeing them as competition and start treating them as partners to help you grow.

What podcasts are MSPs listening to?

Great insights are being shared every day within the MSP community through audio. If you're new around here and aren't sure where to start, this is a great collection of the best MSP podcasts you should tune in to.

5 min read

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