Leveraging AI for modern managed services: Insights from Rob Rae

Illustration: Suman Nissi


In a dynamic and enlightening session at SuperSummit Virtual '24, Rob Rae, Corporate Vice President of Communities and Ecosystems at Pax8, delved into the pillars of a modern MSP and the role of AI in the future of MSPs. With his knowledge and experience in the MSP space, Rob shared invaluable insights on the transformative role of AI in this rapidly evolving landscape, and how MSPs can leverage this for success. Let’s take a look at the key highlights from the session.

The boom and doom perspectives on AI

Rob introduced two contrasting perspectives on AI: the boom problem and the doom pill. The boom problem represents extreme optimism, where people believe AI will solve all issues. Conversely, the doom pill reflects fear and resistance towards AI implementation. Rob stressed that both perspectives need to be addressed, and while many vendors talk about AI, the focus should be on its practical and profitable implementation. He encouraged businesses to adapt to the AI revolution, leveraging technology and knowledge to thrive in this evolving landscape.

The practicality and profitability of AI

While many vendors talk about AI, Rob highlighted the importance of focusing on the practicality and profitability of its implementation. He encouraged businesses to adapt to the AI revolution, leveraging technology and knowledge to thrive in this changing environment. Rob also emphasized the long-term nature of the AI journey. He discussed the progression from GPT 2 to GPT 4, showcasing how AI technology continues to evolve and become even smarter than humans. Proactive conversations and leveraging AI will be key to fostering growth and staying ahead of the curve.

Growing opportunities for MSPs

Rob highlighted the expanding opportunities for MSPs in the IT industry. Cybersecurity remains a top priority, and co-managed IT is emerging as a promising avenue for MSPs to move upmarket. As businesses find it less economically viable to maintain in-house IT teams, they increasingly seek the expertise of MSPs.

He also shed light on the various opportunities for MSPs in the near and long term. In the near term, AI integration, AI-driven decision-making, cybersecurity, adaptive marketplaces, and consolidation are areas of focus. Looking ahead to the mid to long term, Rob envisioned autonomous MSPs, MSPs becoming strategic business partners, and collaboration networks expanding globally.

AI integration and collaboration

As AI becomes more embedded in physical devices, MSPs will find themselves in a perfect position to manage and support these devices. Tasks such as remote robotics management, health checks, servicing, and reporting will be crucial for MSPs to provide value to their clients. This new industrial revolution presents an incredible opportunity for MSPs to thrive in an evolving landscape.

Embracing the future with AI

Rob Rae's session at the SuperSummit Virtual ‘24 shed light on the pivotal role of AI in modern managed services. With his wealth of knowledge and industry experience, Rob highlighted the importance of leveraging AI, embracing its practicality, and staying ahead of the curve in this evolving landscape. MSPs can seize the opportunities presented by AI integration, collaboration, and managing AI technologies, positioning themselves as strategic business partners for their clients.

We don’t want you to miss out on the rest of the sessions from SuperSummit Virtual ‘24 — feel free to access the recordings and revisit key highlights!

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