Tickets vs Projects—what’s the difference?

There’s a thin line that separates heavy-duty tickets and small-scale projects. More often than not, the line gets blurred, and MSPs mistake one for the other. What happens then? You end up charging way less than what you could have. Or you end up biting on more than you can chew in one go. This leads to a drop in productivity, revenue, and overall efficiency. Sounds familiar? If it does, then this session is for you!



Chris Timm



Sriram Palaniappan


Join us as Chris Timm dives into when and how you should choose between tickets and projects!

Used right, A project management system can help you make more revenue, and streamline a lot of your processes. But how do I even know if something’s a project or it’s ‘just a ticket’?

In this webinar, Chris Timm talks about: